"A" Grade NAAC Re-accredited (3rd Cycle)

Kisan Vidya Prasarak Sanstha's
Kisan Arts, Commerce And Science College
Tal. Parola, Dist. Jalgaon, 425111 (M.S.) AISHE CODE: C-8863
Affilated to Kavayitri Bahinabai Chaudhari North Maharashtra University, Jalgaon


Sr.No Teacher Class Subject Information View
1 Dr. N. H. Desale BSC Zoology Respiration
2 Dr. N. H. Desale BSC Zoology Snakes presentation
3 Dr. N. H. Desale BSC Zoology Biochmistry - SYBSC
4 Dr. B. S. Bhadane TYBSC Chemistry Nucleophilic Substitution Reaction
5 Dr. G. H. Sonawane TYBSC Chemistry Electrochemical Cells (CH-501Physical Chemistry)
6 Dr. G. H. Sonawane TYBSC Chemistry Instrumental Methods Of Analysis CH-501Physical Chemistry)
7 Dr. G. H. Sonawane TYBSC Chemistry Investigation of molecular structure
8 Dr. G. H. Sonawane TYBSC Chemistry Phase Rule
9 Dr. G. H. Sonawane TYBSC Chemistry Solid State Chemisry
10 Dr. V. K. Mahajan TYBSC Chemistry Potantiometry
11 Dr. V. K. Mahajan TYBSC Chemistry Spectrometry
12 Dr. P. D. Patil BSC / BA Geography Unit 1 Introduction to Atmsophere
13 Dr. P. D. Patil BSC / BA Geography Unit 1 Introduction to Hydrosphere
14 Dr. P. D. Patil BSC / BA Geography Unit 2 Insolation & Temperature
15 Dr. P. D. Patil BSC / BA Geography Unit 2 Properties of Ocean water
16 Dr. P. D. Patil BSC / BA Geography Unit 3 Atmospheric Pressure & Winds
17 Dr. P. D. Patil BSC / BA Geography Unit 3 Movement of Ocearn Water
18 Dr. P. D. Patil BSC / BA Geography Unit I Topographical Maps
19 Dr. P. D. Patil BSC / BA Geography Unit IV Humidity & Application of Climatelogy
20 Dr. P. S. Thakare BSC / BA Geography 1. Introduction To Disaster Risk
21 Dr. P. S. Thakare BSC / BA Geography 1. Weathering and Soil Formation
22 Dr. P. S. Thakare BSC / BA Geography 2. Work of River
23 Dr. P. S. Thakare BSC / BA Geography Chapter II Concepts in Field Work
24 Dr. P. S. Thakare BSC / BA Geography Chapter Ist Field Work
25 Dr. P. S. Thakare BSC / BA Geography Climate
25 Dr. B. T. Patil BA History इंग्रज मराठा शीख
26 Dr. B. T. Patil BA History इंग्रज म्हैसूर संबंध
27 Dr. B. T. Patil BA History इऔधौगिक धंदे
28 Dr. B. T. Patil BA History खिलजी घराणे
29 Dr. B. T. Patil BA History गुलाम घराणे
30 Dr. B. T. Patil BA History जहांगीर ते औरंगजेब
31 Dr. B. T. Patil BA History तैनाती फौज
32 Dr. B. T. Patil BA History दुहेरी राज्यव्यवस्था
33 Dr. B. T. Patil BA History प्लासीची लढाई
34 Dr. B. T. Patil BA History बक्सारची लढाई
35 Dr. B. T. Patil BA History बाबर
36 Dr. B. T. Patil BA History भारतीय प्रबोदन
37 Dr. B. T. Patil BA History भारताचा इतिहास
38 Dr. B. T. Patil BA History मोगल प्रसाशन
39 Dr. B. T. Patil BA History मोगलकालीन साधने
40 Dr. B. T. Patil BA History लॉर्ड डलहौसी
41 Dr. B. T. Patil BA History लॉर्ड विलियम बेन्तिंग
42 Dr. B. T. Patil BA History सुलतान प्रसाशन
43 Dr. B. T. Patil BA History सुलतानकालीन साधने
44 Dr. B. T. Patil BA History हुमायून शेरशहा
45 Dr. K. D. Patil BCOM COMMERCE Absoption of companies
46 Dr. K. D. Patil BCOM COMMERCE Amalgamation
47 Dr. K. D. Patil BCOM COMMERCE Banking
48 Dr. K. D. Patil BCOM COMMERCE Lease Accounting
49 Dr. K. D. Patil BCOM COMMERCE Leasing
50 Dr. P. J. AUJEKAR BA MARATHI Dr. Pradip Aujekar lec PPT
51 Mr. S. B. PATIL BA POLITICSSCI American Executive Board
52 Mr. S. B. PATIL BA POLITICSSCI Analysis of Indian Constitution Preamble
53 Mr. S. B. PATIL BA POLITICSSCI Audiance Type
54 Mr. S. B. PATIL BA POLITICSSCI challenges before political journalism
55 Mr. S. B. PATIL BA POLITICSSCI china Legislative Board
56 Mr. S. B. PATIL BA POLITICSSCI composition of Granpanchayt
57 Mr. S. B. PATIL BA POLITICSSCI composition of Loksabha
58 Mr. S. B. PATIL BA POLITICSSCI factors of political participation
59 Mr. S. B. PATIL BA POLITICSSCI maidens of political socialization
60 Mr. S. B. PATIL BA POLITICSSCI Political Power
61 Mr. S. B. PATIL BA POLITICSSCI Silent features of Indian Costitution
62 Mr. S. B. PATIL BA POLITICSSCI Silent features of Maharashtra Administration
63 Mr. S. B. PATIL BA POLITICSSCI stapes of research methodology
65 Dr. K. S. GOSAVI BSC CHEMISTRY Disaster Management S.Y.B.A
66 Dr. K. S. GOSAVI BSC CHEMISTRY Plane Table Surveying...practical SYBA (S2)
67 Dr. K. S. GOSAVI BSC CHEMISTRY S.Y.B.A. Environment
69 Mr. A. M. Deore BVOC Soil and water Conservation Micro Irrigation System
70 mrs. Jadhav Megha Mahesh BVOC Soil and water Conservation Hydrological cycle

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